Live in Moab 01262021: "I Woke From A Bulb Fossilized, Facing the Cold, Dry West" - Video and Audio Release

We're incredibly stoked to share with you a rad little birthday project that we somehow pulled off! We hauled the bulk of our gear to Moab in the barren dead of winter and recorded a song that was written just for this experience

. This track illustrates the perspective of an Ordensian person that agreed to take part in an experimental process of epidermal fossilization in order to protect the depths and vacuoles of the man's body in the unknown frontier, West of the Eastern Countries. After sleeping for over a year within a bio-engineered power bulb, he awoke on the atmospheric razor's edge of what would normally suffocate a kylyy being within hours. The Man from Ordensus explored the deserts, walking for years on end and eating wild insectoid game, never once seeing a soul, rather than the occasional distant quaking-steps of the Colossi. 

In a nutshell, enjoy this with the feeling of traversing Moab to your heart's content! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and follow us on Bandcamp and let us know what you think! 



Photography by Angelica Canaan

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