Highly ambient, electronic music provides many things to many listeners and over time one of the things I have realised is that what keeps me drawn to spaceseer’s work is how they use music to create stories. Being an avid reader with a passion for science fiction and a good yarn, I am always willing to plunge into the worlds they offer. I am surprised that as of yet spaceseer haven’t produced work that feels repetitive or done before given they are employing with each release similar ideas and mechanisms to convey feeling and emotion. Creatively, each release has felt absorbing. They remain an exciting band to follow and I look forward to hearing more from them.” - HammieRiffs, regarding "Colossi Perpetual Factory" by spaceseer

This Metal Road

With a psychedelic edge and a doom heavy presence, these tracks are thick with a dense and static-filled atmosphere that feels enormous, confining, extraterrestrial and vaguely threatening. In my mind’s eye, I could picture researchers in bulky, protective gear, headlights dimly illuminating the gloom around them, walking cautiously amongst massive growths of fungus, carefully holding out audio capturing equipment as they take their field recordings, the same recordings of which we are now listening to. This is the reason why I really like spaceseer’s sonic creations. They are almost always embedded in a story and within that framework your mind is free to roam, to embellish and create your own tales and imagery derived from the provided soundscape. It is a deeply nourishing experience for those of us who have overactive imaginations and a penchant for space and science fiction narratives.” - HammieRiffs, regarding "Hericium" by spaceseer

This Metal Road

Comprising of a single track that runs a little over 13 and a half minutes with spoken word lyrics and an unsettling, edgy soundscape, Feral Moon is a wonderfully absorbing experience. Synths and light percussion roll and slide past with a menacing and wilful elegance. The steady paced spoken lyrics gives the track a sense of stability in an otherwise billowing soundscape that constantly writhes and shifts. Sounds reminiscent of a snake’s hiss, whispered voices, high pitch, faint screeching and noise, whistling and a ceremonial sounding drum beat encircle and ensnare the listener. The ground seems to break open beneath your feet and you fall into the red tinged bowels of the earth. The soundscape feels threatening, primal and elemental, as if ancient forces are swirling and amassing around the listener, gathering strength and power. The spoken word feels like an incantation of sorts, invoking what is terrifying yet mesmerising. Feral Moon does a wonderful job of creating a very unique and interesting sonic experience that seems both alien yet very natural. The power in the sound feels elemental like the very forces that create and also destroy whole planets. I greatly admire and appreciate the ability of the track to so thoroughly absorb me into its narrative and soundscape. There is a palatable tension and sense of unease throughout the entire track, it feels visceral. It was very refreshing to be subsumed by a soundscape that I felt I hadn’t visited before, a feat in today’s saturated music market where almost every genre or subgenre seems crowded with new releases that often have a familiar ring to them. For me, Feral Moon was a novel and deeply engaging listening experience which boasted an ambience that will stay with me for some time to come.” - HammieRiffs, regarding "Feral Moon" by spaceseer (November 2021)

This Metal Road